We sat down with Chicago's top schools consultant, and here's what we learned

I could talk about Chicago’s school system all day long if I had to. And sometimes I actually do. I work with so many clients with young families, that I am constantly reaching for the latest, greatest information. A few months ago we hit a point that we were working with so many young families, that it only made sense to host a dinner to chat schools all together.

We invited our friends at Chicago School GPS to field the questions since this organization was literally formed to help Chicago families navigate the school system! It was a fun evening—great food and informative conversation—what could be better on a school night?! (By the way, we host events like this often. If you would like an invite, please shoot me an email!).

Here are some of my own biggest take aways from the night:

The application process:

  • Preschool:

    • Start thinking about schools if your child will be two years old by September

    • Check chicagoearlylearning.org to see which CPS schools offer preschool

  • Elementary + High School:

    • Chicago residents have the option to enter the lottery for schools outside of their neighborhood school and can select up to 20 schools.

    • There is no application fee to apply to your neighborhood school or the lottery.

    • School boundaries rarely change. If they do change, your child will be grandfathered in to your old neighborhood school. If you sell your home, your buyer will not be grandfathered in to the old neighborhood school.

    • When applying to neighborhood magnet schools, there is a proximity consideration for students who live within 1.5 miles of the school.

    • Don’t be afraid to make a switch, CPS schools are free to apply each year.

Thanks again to all of our friends and clients who attended. If you weren’t able to join us this time, email me and we will get you on the list for our next one!