My typical day, and how this working mama keeps it all together!

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As a working mom of two, my days are all about balance. The goal is to give 100% to my girls, and 100% to my clients. I know that math doesn’t add up, but goals are goals! My secret to success is making little moments count big. Over the past few years I’ve developed a few tricks that make all the difference, so hopefully they help you too. And if you have a tip for me, I am all ears! We are in this together, right?!

Starting the day
Our morning is driven by the start of school for my three-year-old, Siena. I actually get both girls ready earlier than necessary just so they have a few minutes to play together before school. I like them to have even 5-10 minutes to interact since they are going to be apart for most of the day. The girls have no concept of this morning time being just a few minutes, and they love it.

Tip: If I let her, Siena would spend an hour eating breakfast. She chews a few bites, then gets distracted with something, and the meal totally derails. To allow for that sister playtime, Siena eats breakfast in the car on the way to school. We pack a cereal bar and a piece of fruit, and then spend the 20 minute ride singing, looking for the Sears Tower and eating breakfast.

During the day
My days are crammed. Our client service model is very high touch, so my days are back-to-back phone calls, appointments and showings. I eat lunch in the car, and pack in as much as I can each day--and my team does the same.

When my schedule allows, I work from home. I will allot myself 5-10 minute breaks (I’ll sometimes even add them to my calendar!), to go check on baby Sloane and play for a few minutes. These breaks are like a breath of fresh air, and a good reminder of why I work so hard to provide for my family!

Tip: If I work late, I will pick Siena up from school early so that we still have time together. Siena’s favorite things are Starbucks scones or “squishy doughnuts,” so we might throw in a surprise trip to Starbucks, or even a manicure! It’s a fun 30 minutes together, and it brings her such great joy.

Dinner and bedtime
Ha, does anyone really have this time of day mastered with little kids? One thing I really love about our au pair is that she makes dinner for the girls on weekdays. It’s a little thing that makes a huge difference because it frees me up to actually spend time with the girls. We chat, play and decompress.

Tip: Now that baby Sloane can sit up on her own, the girls bathe together! This is a serious game changer because it saves time, and the girls love it so much. We put Sloane in this bath chair so that she’s safe, and we love it.

Sloane goes down after bath time, and Siena gets another hour of mommy/daddy time before bed. We love playing games as a family, and Siena’s current favorite is Curious George Matching.

It’s not a glamorous life, but I wouldn’t trade a thing. I’d love to hear how other working moms tackle their days--send me a note on Instagram and let’s help each other out!