Silver linings are all around

One of the few silver linings of this whole experience has been watching communities come together in new ways. The creativity and thoughtfulness of some of these ideas is so heartwarming, and truly does make a difference. Today the team is sharing some of the “silver linings” they have witnessed so that we can spread these good feelings as far and wide as possible!


  • I love all of the community involvement so much! In Bucktown, all of the neighbors have done an amazing job coordinating efforts to make things more fun for the kids. Over St. Patrick’s Day everyone decorated shamrocks to put in their windows. More recently we had a neighborhood-wide safari hunt! People would put whatever animals they had in their windows, and the kids loved it! 

  • I’ve also seen birthdays of all ages celebrated throughout the neighborhood with happy birthday signs, or balloon banners in the yard. It’s fun to see what people would normally keep inside out on display for everyone to enjoy! 


  • The kiddos in Mila’s preschool class did a drive-by “Happy Birthday” parade to a friend in her class. She had her windows open and there was lots of waving and squealing. :)

  • I have seen signs and social media posts from people in Lakeview and Lincoln Park offering to shop or run errands for others who need assistance.  

  • Local restaurants–who are already having a massively challenging time themselves–are donating meals to hospitals for healthcare workers. And as a family we are ordering take-out much more often from all our favorite local spots (Miso Asian in Uptown, Sal’s Trattoria in Lakeview, Pequod’s in Lincoln name a few!).

  • I have to give a shout-out to the crew working the drive-through at the Starbucks on Western. Such a positive, happy vibe serving looooong lines in the morning. When I thanked them for being open and working for all of us looking for our caffeine fix, the immediate response from the two employees who heard me through the window was “Thank all of YOU for coming out!” and “We are so happy to see all of you!”


  • Raising money through donations to provide J.P. Graziano’s subs to 12th District Chicago Police Officers

  • Organizing community orders from the “Tamale Guy” to support him during this time. He made his living by selling tamales in bars that are now closed.106 dozen tamales were ordered & delivered to residents in one day!

  • Chicago Unite at Night, which encourages residents to sing from their balconies, hadn’t been working in the West Loop because we don’t have the same density of other neighborhoods, so a local singer, Andrew David, went out to an empty field and live streamed his performance for the community.

  • Saturday Night Quarantine Dance Party with Justin Quandt, a local dancer


  • There is a Little Free Library a few doors down that stocks treats (for dogs and humans) and little sayings on the inside of it to try and keep spirits up! I see people stop by it everyday to check out what is inside. 


  • In the suburbs people are drawing big suns, animals, or shapes depending on the day and putting them in their windows so the little kiddos can look for them when they go on walks!


  • I have seen neighbors turn on their lights at a specific time each night (7pm -8pm) to thank medical staff, also one neighbor makes cupcakes each Sunday with gloves/mask and places a plastic cup over each of them so you take them from her porch in a paper/plastic cup – all the kids are super excited and look forward to Sunday afternoon.


  • Some schools have done teacher parades where our teachers ride around in the neighborhood and kids waive from their front door. Some of my neighbors have also wrapped their mailboxes with Christmas lights to cheer neighbors up. 


  • I live in a high rise and I’m noticing people are much more considerate of their neighbors and they are taking time to have more conversations in the elevator and lobby. I also live next to a park and when I’m out with my dog I’ve noticed that strangers are more talkative with one another. I’m connected to many neighborhood associations through social media and there are numerous posts everyday about neighbors helping neighbors. There are a lot of people doing a lot of good for their neighbors, first responders and people in need. It’s heartwarming to see this side of people and the community. 


  • I have been seeing more and more people chat with one another, stop and introduce themselves (at an appropriate distance) and just show kindness with a smile and a wave. I’ve even gotten to know and speak with the mail, UPS and Amazon delivery people. It’s amazing to be able to slow down and take time to be kind to each other because we are all going through this together (pretty sure that’s a direct quote from Ellen, but I’ll take it 😉).