From BG client to part of the BG team!

Today’s blog post is a guest post by our new Director of Concierge, Emily Steiger.

Hi everyone! My name is Emily, and I am the new Director of Concierge for Busby Group! I am so excited to be on the Busby Group team. And the story of how I got here is actually a very fun one: before I joined the team, I was a Busby Group client! I loved my experience as a first-time buyer with Busby Group so much that I knew I wanted to work with them. 

To take a few steps back, my husband Andrew and I decided last spring that we wanted to move back to the midwest (I am originally from Michigan). We also decided it was time for us to buy our first home. I started researching brokers and pretty quickly found the Busby Group’s website. I really liked that they are an all-female group. I dug into the website and read bios, blog posts and most of all the neighborhood guides. Because I was relatively unfamiliar with Chicago, this unbiased and accurate information was very helpful. 

Just a few minutes later I had an email in my inbox from Julie with the neighborhood guide and more helpful resources and information. I jumped on a call with Julie and Ali the following day, and they let me know they believed we would be able to find a home in two visits. I was skeptical, but decided to trust the experts! 

We flew in and met Ali a few weeks later, and what should have felt stressful and difficult was instead a fun weekend looking at curated properties with Ali. Busby Group did a great job helping us narrow down exactly what we were looking for, and by our second visit we had found several properties we loved. It felt like Ali and the Busby Group support staff were one step ahead every step of the way. I also loved that there were set processes in place, which gave me such peace of mind. Everything felt efficient, polished and professional from recommending attorneys, lenders and inspectors to negotiating on our behalf. It was clear that the whole team had our best interests in mind. 

We put in an offer and got our dream home! Honestly the whole process was smooth and seamless, and felt like the highest possible quality experience. Everything we needed was provided before we knew we needed it. 

Fast forward a few weeks and I saw on Instagram that Busby Group was hiring! I read the job description and a lightbulb went off in my head: I want to work with Busby Group. After speaking with Julie, we collectively put together a job description that perfectly capitalized on all of my previous experience and skills for the maximum benefit of the team and all Busby Group’s clients. 

Now that I am in the job, my favorite part is helping other clients experience the same fun and enjoyable experience we went through. I feel so fortunate to have found my new home in Chicago in more ways than one!