Three real estate considerations for growing families
/As a real estate broker and mother of two, I know one thing for sure: the nesting aspect of pregnancy is very real – and no one escapes it! It makes sense since it forces parents to really prepare the physical spaces they live in day-to-day for a new baby.
I’ve seen some clients early in their pregnancy firmly believe they will stay put and make do in their current home once baby arrives. Then, all of the sudden the third trimester begins and BAM! Nesting in full force, and it becomes extremely urgent that they move to a bigger home. I have seen this happen countless times, and I am always happy to fly in with my cape and save the day!
Extra space is your friend
But truthfully, it never hurts to talk with a real estate broker early on in pregnancy because those of us who have been around the block will ask good questions like: where will visiting family/friends and/or additional support people sleep? Where will the stroller go? Will you have both a crib and bassinet and do they both fit where you want them to go?
As baby grows and continues to amass toys, a larger bedroom with space to play or a separate playroom/area becomes more and more necessary. And remember, storage baskets and/or an armoire are your friends! You can start to see how real estate does come into play with all of the scenarios.
Childcare/work from home setup
Then there are all the questions around childcare and careers. If you’re working from home, it is important to consider your work area and whether or not crying/playing sounds will carry. The first few months baby will be quiet, but trust me when I say they get very loud! If baby is headed to daycare, consider the daily commute time.
Floor plan considerations
Structural implications are important to consider too. Some new parents think a duplex up is a great solution, but then realize that means carrying diapers and strollers upstairs. I always call families that live on the top floor of a walkup “Super City Parents” because you have to really be up for that type of cardio everyday!
With many duplex floor plans, kid bedrooms and the primary suite are often separated, so that is something else to think about – sick days, baby feedings – these things matter. Also stairs! Think about whether or not you want interior stairs in your life.
Did you just turn your brain to mush? Hopefully at least some of this was helpful in kick starting your thought process. You can find many more helpful resources here – a destination we created specifically for growing families.
Please contact me anytime to discuss further. I have been through all of this firsthand, so I know how it goes!